Restorative Mediation, Conferencing, and Circle Facilitation

Providing compassionate guidance to support peaceful and harmonious homes, workplaces, and communities.

sae·​ter (sāt-er)

: a pasture high in the mountains of Norway or northern Sweden where herds are kept in summer

A saeter isn’t just a place, it’s my maiden name. It depicts a tranquil place and embodies the importance of strong family and community connections.

Whether you’re looking to resolve family, school, or business conflicts, or work towards accountability and repair when a harm has occurred, restorative mediation and conferencing can help to collaboratively address those challenges while embracing the spirit and wellbeing of all involved. 

I look forward to connecting with you!

MN Rule 114 Qualified Neutral
Restorative Conferencing Facilitator
Circle Facilitator

Restorative Mediation

Circle Facilitation

Restorative Conferencing


In-person and remote options.

It’s important that all participants feel safe and supported. Whether that’s in a home, a neutral location, an office, or online, I’ll meet you where you’re at.


Book a free 15-minute consultation today to discuss your needs and ask any questions you may have.